Jeep Yj Tops For Sale: Find Your Perfect Fit

jeep yj tops for sale

As a Jeep enthusiast, you know that the right top can make all the difference in your off-roading experience. That’s why we’re here to help you find the perfect Jeep YJ top for sale. Whether you’re looking for a hardtop, soft top, or bikini top, we’ve got you covered.

Product Specification Price Recommendations
Hardtop Durable, weather-resistant, noise-reducing $1,500 Best for extreme weather conditions and highway driving
Soft Top Lightweight, easy to install, affordable $500 Great for mild weather conditions and off-road adventures
Bikini Top Minimal coverage, affordable, easy to install $100 Perfect for summer days and open-air driving

Explore Your Options

When it comes to Jeep YJ tops, there are several options to choose from. Let’s take a closer look at each type:


If you plan on driving your Jeep year-round or in extreme weather conditions, a hardtop is your best bet. Made from durable materials like fiberglass or steel, hardtops are designed to withstand heavy rain, snow, and hail. They also reduce wind noise and provide added insulation for highway driving.

Soft Tops

If you’re looking for a more affordable and versatile option, a soft top may be the way to go. Soft tops are made from materials like vinyl or cloth and are easy to install and remove. They’re great for mild weather conditions and off-road adventures, but may not hold up as well in harsh weather.

Bikini Tops

For the ultimate open-air driving experience, a bikini top is a great choice. Bikini tops provide minimal coverage and are perfect for summer days and beach trips. They’re also affordable and easy to install, so you can switch between a bikini top and a soft top depending on the weather.

Whichever type of top you choose, make sure it fits your Jeep YJ model and year. You can also customize your top with additional features like tinted windows, sunroof panels, and insulation.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: How do I install a new top?

    A: Installation instructions will vary depending on the type of top you choose. Hardtops may require professional installation, while soft tops and bikini tops can usually be installed at home with a few tools and some patience. Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully to avoid damaging your Jeep or the top.

  • Q: What’s the difference between a tinted window and a clear window?

    A: Tinted windows can provide added privacy and sun protection, while clear windows offer better visibility.

  • Q: Can I use a soft top in the winter?

    A: Yes, but you may need to add insulation or a heater to stay warm.

  • Q: How do I clean my top?

    A: Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning and maintenance. Generally, you’ll want to use a mild soap and water and avoid harsh chemicals or abrasive materials.

  • Q: Will a new top improve my gas mileage?

    A: Possibly. Some tops are designed to reduce wind resistance and improve aerodynamics, which can lead to better gas mileage.

  • Q: Can I install a top myself?

    A: Yes, but make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully and use the right tools and equipment. If you’re not comfortable with DIY installation, it’s best to hire a professional.

  • Q: How do I choose the right size top?

    A: Check your Jeep YJ model and year to make sure the top is compatible. You should also measure your Jeep’s dimensions to ensure a proper fit.

  • Q: Can I add features to my top?

    A: Yes, many tops come with additional features like sunroof panels, insulation, and tinted windows. You can also customize your top with aftermarket accessories like storage bags and straps.

Pros and Cons

Here are some pros and cons to consider when choosing a Jeep YJ top:

  • Hardtops provide maximum protection and insulation, but can be heavy and expensive.
  • Soft tops are affordable and versatile, but may not hold up as well in harsh weather.
  • Bikini tops offer a fun and minimalistic option, but provide little protection from the elements.
  • Adding features like tinted windows and insulation can improve comfort and convenience, but may add to the cost.


Here are some tips to keep in mind when shopping for a Jeep YJ top:

  • Consider your driving needs and climate when choosing between a hard top and a soft top.
  • Make sure to measure your Jeep’s dimensions and check for compatibility before purchasing a top.
  • Look for tops with additional features like sunroof panels and insulation for added comfort and convenience.
  • Read customer reviews and compare prices from different retailers to find the best deal.
  • Consider hiring a professional for installation, especially if you’re not comfortable with DIY projects.
The Perfect Top for Your Jeep YJ

Whether you’re a seasoned off-roader or a weekend adventurer, a Jeep YJ top can enhance your driving experience and protect you from the elements. With so many options to choose from, it’s important to consider your needs and budget before making a decision. Use this guide to find the perfect top for your Jeep YJ and hit the trails with confidence.